Earnings Disclosure
Some of the links on our site are affiliate links.
What does this mean? If you click on such a link and buy a product, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.
These commissions are 100% on the vendors and they’re one of the ways we keep SpeakersAnalyst running. We appreciate all our readers for taking the time to read our content and buying everything they need through our website.
We’re affiliates of Amazon, Etsy, and other reputable affiliate programs.
Most importantly, please note that all products and items recommended to you on our site have been researched and, in some cases, personally tested by us (we’ll disclose this) and are all in good standing as of the time it goes live on our site.
We do not take responsibility for any mishaps that may have happened in the process or after you have purchased any of the items.
We don’t handle any inventory; this is also why we’ve chosen to work with only established companies with reputations and an elaborate returns and refunds system. In addition to this, we’ll do our best to make sure we recommend only the best and nothing more on our website.
We appreciate your time with us.