What Makes Speakers Loud?

The louder the speaker, the more powerful it is perceived to be. But what makes a speaker loud?

It all has to do with the way that sound waves are produced and the physics of how they travel through the air. In short, it’s all about amplifying the sound waves so that they’re louder when they reach your ears. Speaker cone size, power wattage, sensitivity, excursion length, and frequency range are all key specs when it comes to speaker loudness.

The science behind it is actually pretty interesting – and complicated. But don’t worry, we’re not going to get too deep into the weeds here. In this article, we’ll just be looking at the basics of what makes a speaker loud.

Read on to learn more!

What Makes Speakers Loud

What Determines a Speaker’s Loudness?

There are 6 main factors that determine a speaker’s loudness:

  • Speaker cone surface area
  • Power wattage
  • The speaker sensitivity
  • Excursion length
  • Magnet and voice coil, and
  • Frequency range.

Here’s why each of these specs matters.

Surface Area of the Speaker Cone

The surface area of the speaker cone has a significant effect on loudness.

The larger the cone, the louder the speaker will be. This is because the larger cone can move more air, which creates more sound.

This is why subwoofers, which have large speaker cones, are so loud.

Power Wattage

The second most important factor when it comes to speaker loudness is power wattage.

The wattage of a speaker has a direct impact on its loudness of the speaker. That’s because the loudness of a speaker is affected by the amount of power it can handle.

The higher the wattage, the louder the speaker will be.

Caution: Putting too much power can actually damage your speakers. Check the power wattage rating of your speaker to know the safe amount of power they can handle.

Speaker Sensitivity

Sensitivity is a measure of how efficiently a speaker converts power into sound.

The higher the sensitivity, the louder the speaker will be for a given input power.

Speaker sensitivity is measured in decibels (dB) and is usually expressed as dB/W.

To give you an idea of what this means, a speaker with a sensitivity of 85 db/(1w/1m)– when measured 1m away– will produce a sound pressure level of 85 db when provided with 1w of power.

Note: While the sensitivity of a speaker will remain the same regardless of the power provided, the speaker output level is bound to increase.

Excursion Length

The excursion length of a speaker is the distance that the speaker cone moves from its rest position.

A longer excursion length results in more air being displaced and therefore louder sound.

However, too much excursion can cause the speaker to distort the sound.

Magnet and Voice Coil

The magnet is responsible for creating the magnetic field that the voice coil needs in order to produce sound. The stronger the magnet, the more powerful the magnetic field.

The voice coil is responsible for converting the electrical signal into sound. The more turns there are in the coil, the more power it can generate.

So, how does this affect speaker loudness?

The stronger the magnet and the more turns in the voice coil, the louder the speaker will be.

That’s why you’ll often see speakers with big magnets and voice coils – they’re designed for maximum loudness.

Frequency Range

The frequency range of a speaker is the range of frequencies that the speaker can reproduce.

The human ear can hear frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, but most speakers can only reproduce a small portion of that range.

For example, a typical home stereo speaker has a frequency range of 50 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

Generally speaking, the higher the frequency range of a speaker, the louder it will be. This is because high-frequency sounds are more easily heard by the human ear.

However, there is a trade-off. Speakers with a very high frequency range will often have a lower quality of sound. This is because high-frequency sounds are more prone to distortion.

How to Balance Loudness On Speakers

1. Use an equalizer to adjust the levels of the low, mid, and high frequencies

An equalizer is a tool that allows you to adjust the levels of the different frequencies on your speakers.

This can be helpful if you find that the sound is too loud or too soft in certain areas.

2. Adjust the level of the bass and treble on your stereo

One essential element of sound quality is finding the perfect balance between the level of bass and treble.

If the bass is too low, the overall sound will be weak and lacking in impact. If the treble is too high, the sound will be harsh and tinny.

But if you can find the perfect balance between the two, you’ll have a rich, full sound that brings your music to life.

3. Use speakers of different sizes to create a balance of sound

If you want to create a balance of sound on your speakers, you can experiment with speakers of different sizes.

By using a combination of small and large speakers, you can create a balance of sound that is both pleasing to the ear and functionally effective.

How to Make a Speaker Louder

A speaker produces sound by vibrations that cause air to move. To make a speaker louder, you need to make more air to vibrate.

One of the easiest ways to make your home or car speaker louder is to use an amplifier.

An amplifier makes sound from a speaker louder by increasing the amplitude of the audio signal.. This is done by using a series of circuits.

The signal is then sent to the speaker, which converts the amplified signal into sound.

If you’re looking for a way to make your speaker louder without an amp or enhance the loudness of your laptop or phone speaker, then you should try using a speaker app like volume booster.

All you need is to download the app onto your device, open it and adjust the settings to increase the volume of your speaker.

You may need to experiment with the settings to find the perfect balance of volume and sound quality.

If you’re dealing with a small speaker, turn up the volume on your audio source. This will make the speaker work harder and produce a louder sound.

You can also move the speaker closer to your ears. This will make it easier for you to hear the sound.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is There A Difference Between Speaker Loudness And Pitch?

Loudness refers to the overall volume of a speaker’s sound. Pitch on the other hand is the highness or lowness of a sound or the sensation of a speaker frequency.

Q: How Is Speaker Loudness Measured?

The primary way to tell or measure speaker loudness is by determining sound pressure level (units-decibels or dB).

The loudness is judged by how great the pressure is that the sound waves make on your eardrum.

Q: What Makes Portable Speakers Loud?

With portable and Bluetooth speakers, you have limited size options or other options, such as the ability to add an amplifier.

Therefore, the main factor that contributes to portable speakers’ loudness is the type of drivers used.

Dynamic drivers are typically more powerful than other types of drivers, so they can usually produce louder sound.

Q: Can A Speaker Blow If You Turn It Up Too Loud?

If you turn up the volume too high, you can break or tear the cones. This will cause the speaker to stop working properly.

When loud sound is continuously played, the speaker is at risk of overheating and the heat can damage the components.

Q: Why Do Speakers Sound Better When Played Louder?

Our ears are designed to pick up certain frequencies better at certain loudness levels.

So, when you play a speaker at a higher volume, you’re actually amplifying the frequencies that our ears are most sensitive to.

This gives the speaker a fuller, richer sound that just can’t be reproduced at lower volumes.

Final Word on What Makes a Speaker Louder

When it comes to speaker loudness, the cone size, power wattage, and sensitivity play a crucial role.

Excursion length, size of magnet and voice coil, and frequency range are also important, but these are usually determined by the size of the speaker.

So, to be able to really crank up the volume, choose a speaker with a large cone size, high wattage, and high sensitivity rating.

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